Monday, April 6, 2009

No cuts!

This picture looks about like my school lunch line...yeah, I's that am I...only difference is that we entered from the right, not the left...if you're as old as me, you remember sloppy joe days and fish on Fridays...but, being the growing and hungry kids we were, there was one thing sacred in the lunch line...NO CUTS!!! You know, where kids tried to get in line ahead of you... they tried to take cuts...and worse yet was when a friend of theirs would let them take cuts...Of course, the rules were different if someone let me take cuts...funny how that works... Well, I was thinking about this the other day...and, maybe I need to let more people take cuts...maybe that's part of what Jesus talked about when he said if you want to really discover your true life, lose your life...lose it for the sake of others...put others' interests ahead of my own...a foreign concept in a "survival mode" world...but I will say this...when I do it (all too infrequently), a whole new world opens up...some pretty cool surprises happen...and, in the end not only am I no worse off, but I find that in giving I actually "get" something too...rarely something expected, but usually something pretty cool...My getting isn't the point, is it? The other person's best is the point...and I only discover what that looks like if I choose to let go of my "No Cuts!" principle...